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NCCN Clinical Practice logo

NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology (NCCN Guidelines™)

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PDQ cancer topics logo

PDQ (Physician Data Query) is the National Cancer Institute’s source of comprehensive cancer information. It contains peer-reviewed, evidence-based cancer information summaries on treatment, supportive care, screening, prevention, genetics, and complementary and alternative medicine

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PDQ_ Cancer Treatment-Adults logo

Information & treatment con various cancer types

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PDQ® Cancer Treatment - Pediatrics (NCI) logo

PDQ® Cancer Information Summaries: Pediatric Treatment

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QCancer calculator logo

QCancer is an algorithm, which can be used to calculate the absolute risk of a patient having an undiagnosed cancer based on a number of factors.The QCancer algorithm and the cancer risk score take into account patient symptoms, risk factors, such as age and sex, smoking status, family history, postcode and certain comorbidities.

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