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Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) logo

This site presents an introductory overview of GFP.

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Reactome logo

REACTOME is an online, expert-authored, peer-reviewed knowledgebase of human reactions and pathways encompassing many areas of human biology. It functions as a data mining resource and electronic textbook.

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SPIKE Signalling pathways logo

SPIKE (Signaling Pathways Integrated Knowledge Enginestore, stores, organizes and allows retrieval of pathway information (A Paz et .a, Nucleic Acid Res 39, D793, 2011).

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StemBook logo

Stem Book is an open access collection of invited, original, peer-reviewed chapters covering a range of topics related to stem cell biology written by top researchers in the field at the Harvard Stem Cell Institute and worldwide. Stem Book is aimed at stem cell and non-specialist researchers.

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