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standardized and detailed protocols for human immunology researchers
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Human Immunology Portal protocols allows: to discover protocols

The Human Immunology Portal (HIP) is an online public resource for scientists investigating the human immune system. HIP provides protocols and tools for human sample processing and cell isolation, free educational resources (e.g. wallcharts, online lectures, reviews and perspectives on human immunology), and a list of upcoming immunology events all over the world. HIPprotocols are standardized, detailed protocols for human sample processing, cell isolation and downstream assays for human immunology researchers. Many of these protocols include step-by-step technical videos to support both researchers entering the human immunology field, as well as veteran researchers who are looking for new tips and tricks to optimize their existing human immunology protocols. - See more at: http://www.humanimmunologyportal.com/hipprotocols/#sthash.K9mqkRJs.dpuf Registration not required.

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