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2 x 2 Table Analysis logo
Subcategories: StatPages

This page computes various statistics from a 2-by-2 table. It will calculate the Yates-corrected chi-square, the Mantel-Haenszel chi-square, the Fisher Exact Test, and other indices relevant to various special kinds of 2-by-2 tables.

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QuickCalc logo
QuickCalc allows: GraphPad

Confidence interval of a proportion or count.; Chi-square test; 2x2 contingency table; McNemar's test to analyze a matched case-control & paired comparison; binomial and sign test for two possible outcome; NNT (Number Needed to Treat); predictive values from sensitivity, specificity, and prevalence; Kappa test.

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RxC Contingency Tables (including gamma & others) logo

RxC table concerns a basic two dimensional crosstable procedure. The statistical tests include Chi-squares, Gamma, Tau, Lambda, Kappa/Bowker. Formatting table and graphs are allowed.

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ROC Analysis logo

Web-based Calculator for ROC Curves

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Contingency Table for Ordinal Categories logo
Subcategories: StatPages

This screen computes several statistics from a table whose row and column categories form logically ordered sequences. It can accommodate a table with up to five rows and/or five columns

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Contingency tables logo
Chi-square test

Data input in a table format

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Goodness-of-fit test for discrete random variable logo

The Goodness-of-fit test is calculated for a table 2 x C (max 14 column). The sum of values should be the same for observed and expected row. Therefore, expected values should be calculated using the sum of observed values.

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Confidence limits for a sample proportion logo

This utility calculates confidence limits for a population proportion for a specified level of confidence using various methods (Wilson, Copper-Pearson exact, Jeffreys, etc.).

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Binomial Confidence Interval Calculator logo

This tool calculates a set of confidence intervals for the entered binomial trial result - the number of trials and the number of successes.

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