It's a simple and well constructed Excel spreadsheet from Jon Wittwer of Vertex42 for graphing a Normal distribution curve by inputing either a mean & SD or single subject values. In addition the spreadsheet includes examples for generating a random number from a Normal distribution, for calculating cumulative probabilities and for shading a portion of the distribution.
...continue to readPS is an interactive Windows program from Vanderbilt University for performing power and sample size calculations. It can be used for studies with dichotomous, continuous, or survival response measures.
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The R Project for Statistical Computing
Category: Statistics software
R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics. It compiles and runs on a wide variety of UNIX platforms, Windows and MacOS
...continue to readIt's a simple Excel spreadsheet from Jon Wittwer of Vertex42 for constructin box-plots by inputing single subject values. In addition the spreadsheet includes examples for generating a random number from a Normal distribution, for calculating cumulative probabilities and for shading a portion of the distribution.
...continue to readStatistics101 is a giftware computer program that interprets and executes the simple but powerful “Resampling Stats” programming language. Although it was originally developed to aid students, the Statistics101 program is suitable for all levels of statistical sophistication. It is especially useful for Monte Carlo, resampling, and bootstrap applications.Statistics101 is written in Java and will run on Windows, Mac, Unix, Linux, or any other platform that supports Java 1.4 or better.
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Category: Statistics software
Minim: allocation by minimisation in clinical trials allows: Random, clinical trials
Minim is an MS-DOS program for running minimisation in clinical trials. For Windows 7, an emulation program called DOSBox has been used successfully to run Minim.
...continue to readStan is a probabilistic programming language implementing statistical inference with Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling (NUTS, HMC) and ptimization-based point estimation (BFGS) Stan interfaces with the most popular data analysis languages (R, Python, shell, MATLAB, Julia, Stata) and runs on all major platforms (Linux, Mac, Windows).Stan is freedom-respecting, open-source software.
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From SourceForge
Category: Statistics software
MinimPy allows: Random, clinical trials
MinimPy is a desktop application program for sequential allocation of subjects to treatment groups in clinical trials by using the method of minimisation.It requires Python 2.7 with GTK libraries.
...continue to readG*Power is a tool to compute statistical power analyses for many different t tests, F tests, χ2 tests, z tests and some exact tests. G*Power can also be used to compute effect sizes and to display graphically the results of power analyses. Windows and Mac OS versions.
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