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Category: Laboratory animals, Laboratory animal tutorials
Although addressed to pet rats, this web site is filled up with behavioural, physiological and health issues that can be of help to researchers working with laboratory rats.
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Category: Laboratory animals, Laboratory animal tutorials
This site provides an interactive short course on experimental design for research scientists working with laboratory animals. The aim is to reduce the number of animals which are used, improve the quality of the science and save time, money and other scientific resources.
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National Toxicology Program
Category: Laboratory animals, Laboratory animal tutorials
This website from the US National Toxicology Program presents microscopic images of rodent organs and non-neoplastic lesions. The atlas is organized by organ system and is subdivided into chapters, each covering a single organ. Each chapter comprises a set of sections, each describing a single lesion. Each section includes histopathologic descriptions, high-quality images, diagnostic guideline recommendations, and references (Environmental Health Perspectives 122:A76, March 2014).
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Category: Laboratory animals, Laboratory animal tutorials
The mission statement of the 3Rs-Centre is to stimulate the development, acceptance and implementation of methods which can Replace, Reduce and Refine (the 3Rs) animal experiments.The 3Rs-Centre stimulates the development, acceptance and implementation of 3Rs methods (Replacement, Reduction and Refinement of animal experiments), by advising and giving information to researchers.
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