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a comprehensive collection of experimental protocols
Category: Biomedical protocols
The www.bio-protocol.org (originally from Stanford Univerisity) aims to provide life science researchers with a comprehensive collection of experimental protocols free of charge. Each protocol published on the website bears high standards in quality and provides accurate and detailed guidance which allows even rookie researchers to easily repeat experiments. Contribution to www.bio-protocol.org is by invitation only to maintain the quality of the protocols. The invitations are issued by their ed
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Category: Biomedical protocols
Protocol Exchange allows: to discover protocols, to share protocols, to comment on protocols, to organize your favorites protocols
Protocol Exchange from Nature Protocols is an open resource where the community of scientists pool their experimental know-how to help accelerate research. Discover the protocols, share a protocol, join a lab group, comment on protocols, organize your favorites and personalize your experience.
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a video journal for biological, medical, chemical and physical research
Category: Biomedical communities, Biomedical protocols
JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments) is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes written protocols accompanied by video for biological, medical, chemical and physical research. Currently, JoVe charges a $1200 publication fee for self-produced videos and $2400 if JoVE does the filming. There's an added fee of $1800 to provide open access.
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share your science
Category: Biomedical communities, Biomedical protocols
OpenWetWare is an effort to promote the sharing of information, know-how, and wisdom among researchers and groups who are working in biology & biological engineering. OpenWetWare was created by graduate students at MIT on April 20, 2005. Initially, it served as a private lab wiki for the labs of Drew Endy and Tom Knight at MIT. The site was opened up to allow any lab to join on June 22, 2005
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Histotechnology Staining Methods
Category: Biomedical protocols
This website provide several protocols and methods for histotechnology.
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Category: Biomedical protocols
IHCWORLD protocols allows: to search protocols
This protocol database is a collection of histology/immunohistochemstry protocols compiled based on published literatures, laboratory submissions, as well as individual experimental data.
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Tissue dissociation and primary cell isolation and harvesting
Category: Biomedical protocols
This guide summarizes our knowledge of how using enzymes to accomplish the routine operations of tissue dissociation and cell harvesting. It describes standard lab procedures, offers a logical experimental approach for establishing a cell isolation protocol, and lists many tissue specific references.
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