Naturejobs is in association with Nature magazine. It is a worldwide career resource for scientists, providing a wide range of career advice and information.
...continue to readJob Seeker is a job search engine in association with Science magazine. Options include keywords, discipline, period and location
...continue to readCELL Career Network is in association with Cell magazine and provides a job search engine for scientist.
...continue to readWith New Scientist Jobs you can search our database for hundreds of science jobs. Registration is free and you can upload your CV, set up email job alerts, subscribe to RSS feeds and apply for science jobs online
...continue to readAHRQ, a web site of the US Dept Of Human Services, provides several funding opportunities in healthcare for US.
...continue to readScienceJobs is a job site for recruiting the top scientists in associations with the Journal of American Science.
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Category: Biomedical funding and jobs
Subcategories: Fellowships
EMBO fellowship allows: Jobs
EMBO Fellowships fund and support young scientists in their pursuit of both pre- and post-doctoral research.
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Category: Biomedical funding and jobs
Subcategories: Fellowships
The Giovanni Armenise Harvard Foundation grant and fellowship programs supports individual scientists at Harvard Medical School and in Italy
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Category: Biomedical funding and jobs
Subcategories: Fellowships
Postdoctoral Fellowships of Human Frontier Science Program HFSP are available for scientists who wish to work in foreign laboratories, with emphasis on individuals early in their careers who wish to obtain training in a different field of research. Fellows who return to their home countries are eligible to apply for a Career Development Award. Cross-disciplinary fellowships are intended for postdoctoral fellows with a Ph.D. degree in the physical sciences, chemistry, mathematics, engineering and
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Category: Biomedical funding and jobs
Subcategories: Jobs , fellowships
The site lists positions offered at Universities, Academies, Colleges, Faculties, Schools, Academic Departments, Institutes and Research Centers. It is possible to post a job request. The list of offered positions is free, posting a job and premium adverts require payment.
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Category: Biomedical funding and jobs
Subcategories: Funding
ESF is a strong international network of 75 research funding, performing organisations and academics. ESF offers a number of opportunities, scientific and non-scientific, and provides career opportunities that could progress in management and administrative science activities.
...continue to readThe Sergio Lombroso Foundation offers fellowships for Italian graduate students, post-docs, and visiting scientists, in the area of Cancer Research at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel.
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Category: Biomedical funding and jobs
Subcategories: Funding
ERC Starting Independent Researcher Grants (ERC Starting Grants) aim to support up-and-coming research leaders who are about to establish or consolidate a proper research team and to start conducting independent research in Europe.
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Category: Biomedical funding and jobs
Subcategories: Fellowships
The European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) Post-Doctorat Fellowship, Entry Level Fellowship and Short-Term Fellowship programmes are open to all registered EASL members and aim to enhance the mobility of investigators within different European institutions, to actively promote scientific exchange among research units in hepatology.
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Category: Biomedical funding and jobs
Subcategories: Fellowships
We offer three programs aimed at encouraging and advancing the work of early career cancer researchers with high promise: Damon Runyon Fellowship Award, Damon Runyon Clinical Investigator Award, Damon Runyon-Rachleff Innovation Award.
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Category: Biomedical funding and jobs
Subcategories: Fellowships
The Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research in Boston offers the Whitehead Fellows and Postdoctoral Programs. Fellows are given the space, resources and support needed to run their own labs and pursue an independent research agenda. Fellows are appointed for a three-year term with the expectation that it will be extended to five years. Postdocs are appointed directly by Whitehead labs.
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Category: Cancer research, Biomedical funding and jobs
Subcategories: Funding
The Provocative Questions initiative from NCI asks investigators to propose important but non-obvious questions in cancer research that need attention but would usually find it difficult to get.NCI has issued a request for applications and provisionally set aside US$15 million from the budget for fiscal year 2012 to support the best ideas for answering any of the questions chosen from a list of 24.
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Category: Biomedical funding and jobs
Subcategories: Fellowships (or is the first niche recruiting channel to bring together recent Ph.D.s, professors, research institutions and other employers to find a good match. Over 1,000 universities, companies, research institutions and government agencies worldwide use our service for recruiting talented postdocs and scientists. Each month, over 100,000 Ph.D.s visit our website and seek postdoctoral opportunities. Jobs posted on our website are normally viewed 2,000 to over 5,000 times. Po
...continue to readLinQBio is a Global HealthTech Network community, connecting start-ups, entrepreneurs, corporate, investors, incubators, service providers, physicians and scientists. Personalized, tailored weekly e-mails with leads, business opportunities & job offers will be send upon free registration.
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Category: Biomedical funding and jobs
Subcategories: Fellowships