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Worldometers logo
world statistics in real time
Category: COVID19

Description not available.

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Covidvisualizer logo
simple, interactive way to visualize the impact of COVID-19
Category: COVID19

Description not available.

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GEDIVISUAL Coronavirus (italian only) logo
maps and charts of COVID19 infection cases in Italy
Category: COVID19

Updated maps and charts of COVID-19 infection in Italy (website in Italian)

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Covstat.it (Italian only) logo
Forecast of the transmission and diffusion of data in real time
Category: COVID19

Description not available.

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Sole24Ore - Coronavirus in Italia (italian only) logo
updated data and charts in Italy and in the other European countries
Category: COVID19

COVID infection updated data and charts in Italy and in the other European countries by the Sole24ore group.

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Nextstrain COVID logo
real time tracking of virus evolution
Category: COVID19

Nextstrain is an open-source project to harness the scientific and public health potential of pathogen genome data, including the Novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV). It provides a continually-updated view of publicly available data alongside powerful analytic and visualization tools for use by the community. The goal is to aid epidemiological understanding and improve outbreak response.

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