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Category: PCR primers design
The goal of iCODEHOP (COnsensus-DEgenerate Hybrid Oligonucleotide Primers) is to simplify the process of designing degenerate PCR primers by integrating both new and existing bioinformatics tools into an interactive, Open Source, Web application. This beta version of the new program is currently available to interested researchers for free. In addition to simplifying degenerate primer design workflows, iCODEHOP extends and improves the CODEHOP method of designing degenerate PCR primers from protein multiple alignments. iCODEHOP provides interactive visualization of PCR primers designed using the algorithm. Users can quickly scan over an entire set of degenerate primers produced by the program to assess their relative quality and select individual degenerate primers for further analysis. The program predicts annealing temperatures for degenerate primer pools, displays phylogenetic information for the sequences covered by the primer, and allows the user to easily design new degenerate primers from sub-selections of their input sequences. Registration not required.
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