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Cancer cell lines logo
Mutation & Cancer cell lines
Category: Cell lines
Subcategories: Sanger

Cancer Genome Project has embarked on a systematic characterisation of the genetics and genomics of large numbers of cancer cell lines. Prior knowledge of their genetic abnormalities may allow more informed choice of cancer cell lines in biological experiments and drug testing and more informed interpretation of results. Registration not required.

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KEGG Pathway logo
Category: Pathways

KEGG Pathway is a collection of manually drawn pathway maps (see new maps, change history, and last updates) representing our knowledge on the molecular interaction and reaction networks. Pathway entries are text representation of pathway maps, containing descriptions (for a limited number of entries, at the moment). KEGG PATHWAY mapping is the process to map molecular datasets, especially large-scale datasets in genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics, to the KEGG pathway maps for biological interpretaion of higher-level systemic functions. Registration not required.

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KEGG Drug logo
Category: Drugs search

KEGG DRUG is a unified drug information resource that contains chemical structures and/or chemical components of all prescription and OTC drugs in Japan, most prescription drugs in the USA, and many prescription drugs in Europe. Thus, all the marketed drugs in Japan are fully represented in KEGG DRUG and linked to the package insert information (labels information). These include crude drugs and TCM (Tradictional Chinese Medicine) drugs, which are very popular in Japan and some of which are specified in the Japanese Pharmacopoeia. Each KEGG DRUG entry is identified by the D number distinguishing the chemical structure of chemicals or the chemical component of mixtures and crude drugs. It is associated with generic names and trade names, as well as efficacy as part of the BRITE functional hierarchies (ontologies), target information as a context of KEGG pathways, and information about the history of drug development represented as a KEGG DRUG structure map. Registration not required.

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DNA from the beginning logo

The site is organized around key concepts, explained by: animation, image gallery, video interviews, problems, biographies, and links. There are three main sections: Classical Genetics, Molecular Genetics, Genetic Organization & Control. Registration not required.

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FullForms logo
free online library of abbreviations and acronyms

Free online library of full forms, abbreviations, acronyms, initialisms, references and much more. Registration not required.

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ExPASy Proteomics Server logo

ExPASy is the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB)Bioinformatics Resource Portal which provides access to scientific databases and software tools (i.e., resources) in different areas of life sciences including proteomics, genomics, phylogeny, systems biology, population genetics, transcriptomics etc. (see Categories in the left menu). On this portal you find resources from many different SIB groups as well as external institutions. Registration not required.

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cobalt logo
Subcategories: NCBI

COBALT computes a multiple protein sequence alignment using conserved domain and local sequence similarity information. Registration not required.

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PriFi logo

Upload a file containing Fasta-formatted DNA sequences or alternatively a *.aln file, select the control one wants over the primer design from an extensive list Registration not required.

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Scitools RNAi design logo
design siRNA sequences
Category: SiRNA design
Subcategories: IDT
Scitools RNAi design allows: Design siRNA sequences

Scitools RNAi design is a web application to design siRNA sequences. Registration not required.

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Chemical and radiochemical calculators logo
Subcategories: GraphPad

Chemical and radiochemical calculators (QuickCalcs) offers radioactivity calculators. Moreover it create and dilute molar solutions, convert between moles and grams and calculate EC(anything) from EC50. Registration not required.

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NeedleN logo
Home Recent Results Saved Strategies Needleman-Wunsch Global Align Nucleotide Sequences
Subcategories: NCBI

The Needleman-Wunsch global alignment (now hosted by BLAST/NLM) performs a global alignment on two sequences. It is commonly used in bioinformatics to align protein or nucleotide sequences. Registration not required.

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Stat Web Resources & Calculators logo
Subcategories: StatPages

The web pages listed here comprise a powerful, conveniently-accessible, multi-platform statistical software package. There are also links to online statistics books, tutorials, downloadable software, and related resources. Registration required.

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QuickCalc logo
QuickCalc allows: GraphPad

Confidence interval of a proportion or count.; Chi-square test; 2x2 contingency table; McNemar's test to analyze a matched case-control & paired comparison; binomial and sign test for two possible outcome; NNT (Number Needed to Treat); predictive values from sensitivity, specificity, and prevalence; Kappa test. Registration not required.

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Primer3 logo
From Whitehead Institute
Subcategories: Whitehead

Primer3 is a very powerful PCR primer design online application permitting one considerable control over the nature of the primers, including size of product desired, primer size and Tm range, and presence/absence of a 3’-GC clamp. Registration not required.

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OligoAnalyzer logo
Subcategories: IDT

OligoAnalyzer is a web application from IDT that provides the opportunity to analyze hairpin and self-dimer of existing primers this site. Moreover this site allows you to BLAST the sequence against NCBI's database and measure the impact of incorporating 5'-modifications into the sequence. The oligos can then be ordered directly. Registration not required.

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How people in science see each other logo
an absolutely brilliant and hilarious chart
Category: Funny science

"How people in science see each other" is an absolutely brilliant and hilarious chart created by @biomatushiq about how people in science see each other. Registration not required.

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Human Protein Atlas logo
expression and localization of proteins in human tissues

The human protein atlas shows expression and localization of proteins in a large variety of normal human tissues, cancer cells and cell lines with the aid of immunohistochemistry (IHC) images and immunofluorescence (IF) confocal microscopy images (Marx V., Nature 509:645, 2014). Registration not required.

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PRABI-Doua - Cap3 logo
Category: DNA sequencing

This web tool allows you to assemble a set of contiguous sequences (contigs) Registration not required.

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TRAP (personal matrix) logo

Which sequence is more susceptible to be bound to your transcription factor represented by your matrix? Input data: Multiple DNA sequences, personal matrix. Registration not required.

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NCI Drug Dictionary logo
technical definitions and synonyms for drugs/agents used to treat patients with cancer or conditions related to cancer
Category: Drugs search

The NCI Drug Dictionary contains technical definitions and synonyms for drugs/agents used to treat patients with cancer or conditions related to cancer. Each drug entry includes links to check for clinical trials listed in NCI's PDQ® Cancer Clinical Trials Registry. Registration required.

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