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BioImageXD logo
BioImageXD allows: Image analysis, Visualization, 3D

BioImageXD,written in Python and C++, is a free open source software project for analyzing, processing and visualizing of multi dimensional microscopy images.BioImageXD is a multi-purpose post-processing tool for bioimaging. The software can be used for simple visualization of multi-channel temporal image stacks to complex 3D rendering of multiple channels at once. Registration not required.

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VAA3D logo

3D Visualization-Assisted Analysis (Vaa3D) is an open source cross-platform (Mac, Linux, and Windows) tool based on ITK libraries for visualizing large-scale (gigabytes, and 64-bit data) 3D image stacks and various surface data. It is also a container of powerful modules for 3D image analysis (cell segmentation, neuron tracing, brain registration, annotation, quantitative measurement and statistics, etc) and data management. Registration required.

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FluoRender logo
FluoRender allows: Visualization, 3D, confocal

FluoRender is an interactive rendering tool for confocal microscopy data visualization. It combines the renderings of multi-channel volume data and polygon mesh data, where the properties of each dataset can be adjusted independently and quickly. The tool is designed especially for neurobiologists, and it helps them better visualize the fluorescent-stained confocal samples. Registration not required.

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Icy logo

Icy is a collaborative bioimage informatics platform that combines a community website for contributing and sharing tools and material, and software with a high-end visual programming framework for seamless development of sophisticated imaging workflows.It offers unique features for behavioral analysis, cell segmentation and cell tracking, Registration not required.

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ITK-SNAP allows: 3D

ITK-SNAP is an interactive software application that allows users to navigate three-dimensional medical images, manually delineate anatomical regions of interest, and perform automatic image segmentation. It provides semi-automatic segmentation using active contour methods, as well as manual delineation and image navigation. Indeed, the main purpose is to make it easy for researchers to delineate anatomical structures and regions of interest in imaging data Registration not required.

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