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Category: Calculators and converters
Subcategories: GraphPad
GraphPad Molarity Calculators allows: Calculate how to dilute a stock solution, calculate molarity from mass and volume, calculate mass from volume and concentration, calculate volume from mass and concentration
Molarity Calculators (QuickCalcs) is a web application (no installation required) that helps to dilute a stock solution or to calculate molarity from mass and volume, mass from volume and concentration, volume from mass and concentration. Registration not required.
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Category: Calculators and converters
Subcategories: GraphPad
Chemical and radiochemical calculators allows: Dilute molar solutions, convert between moles and grams, calculate EC(anything) from EC50
Chemical and radiochemical calculators (QuickCalcs) offers radioactivity calculators. Moreover it create and dilute molar solutions, convert between moles and grams and calculate EC(anything) from EC50. Registration not required.
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computational knowledge engine
Category: Calculators and converters
Wolfram Alpha offers a variety of calculators and converters for many topics: mathematics, statistics, medicine, chemistry, weather, dates, geography, life sciences, etc. Registration not required.
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an online tool that allows to calculate the molar mass of a chemical compound
Category: Calculators and converters
MOLAR MASS CALCULATOR allows: calculate the molar mass of a chemical compounds