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Category: Gene information search, Gene expression
WashU Human Epigenome Browser allows: Epigenome
The browser currently hosts Human (and other species) Epigenome Atlas data produced by the Roadmap Epigenomics project,but lets users diverge from the strict genome-centric view of the UCSC browser to, for instance, view all genes (or promoters, or 3’ UTRs) in a given pathway side by side. “You can do lots of Google Maps-style operations, and you can look at your data in the context of their metadata.
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Category: Other topics, Gene expression
Roadmap Epigenomics Project allows: Epigenome
The NIH Roadmap Epigenomics Mapping Consortium was launched with the goal of producing a public resource of human epigenomic data to catalyze basic biology and disease-oriented research. The Consortium leverages experimental pipelines built around next-generation sequencing technologies to map DNA methylation, histone modifications, chromatin accessibility and small RNA transcripts in stem cells and primary ex vivo tissues selected to represent the normal counterparts of tissues and organ system... Registration not required.
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Category: Gene expression, Biomedical communities
International Human Epigenome Consortium (IHEC) allows: Epigenome
The International Human Epigenome Consortium (IHEC) is a global consortium with the primary goal of providing free access to high-resolution reference human epigenome maps for normal and disease cell types to the research community. Registration required.
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Network of Excellence
Category: Biomedical communities
The Epigenome NoE allows: Epigenome