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FindAPhD logo
Subcategories: Fellowships , PostDoc , PhD program

Find A PhD is a guide to current postgraduate research and PhD studentships. We list details of graduate research programmes from universities throughout the UK, Europe and further afield. New PhDs are added every day, and our listings include PhD Research Projects, PhD Research Programmes, Four Year PhD Programmes, International PhD Programmes and Clinical PhD Programmes. Registration not required.

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SEMM PhD program logo
European School Molecular Medicine
Subcategories: PhD program

The Structured International Post Doc program od the European School of Molecular Medicine,located in Milan, is designed to boost the career of postdocs and to encourage them to become successful and independent research scientists. Positions are intended for outstanding and highly-motivated applicants of any nationality. Registration not required.

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EMBL PhD Program logo
Subcategories: PhD program , EMBL

The EMBL International PhD Programme, originally established in 1983, represents the flagship of EMBL's commitment to first class training and education. Registration not required.

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Vienna Biocenter PhD Programme in Molecular Life Sciences logo
Subcategories: PhD program , Europe

The Vienna Biocenter PhD programme in Molecular Life Sciences is a programme for talented and highly motivated students of any nationality that covers a range of topics in modern biological sciences, including gene regulation, cell division, neural circuits, and evolutionary genomics. Registration required.

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Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds logo
Subcategories: PhD program , Fellowships , Europe

The Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds awards PhD fellowships to outstanding junior scientists (max. age: 27 years) who wish to pursue an ambitious PhD project of approximately 3 years in basic biomedical research in an internationally leading laboratory. Registration not required.

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CRG International PhD Programme logo
Subcategories: PhD program , Europe

The CRG International PhD programme in Barcelona aims to provide graduate students from all over the world with the possibility for training and doing research in the attractive scientific environment of the CRG, which is part of the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB). Our resources, facilities, and staff provide the necessary technical support for the research projects and promote high quality training for graduate students. Registration not required.

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Université de Geneve Intl PhD Program logo
Subcategories: PhD program , Europe

International PhD program in Basic and Applied Molecular Life Sciences: Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Genetics and Evolution Plant Biology

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IMPRS-Intl logo
Max Planck Res School Mol & Cell Life Sciences
Subcategories: PhD program , Europe

The International Max Planck Research School for Molecular and Cellular Life Sciences: From Biology to Medicine, (IMPRS-LS), jointly conducted by Munich based Max Planck Institutes and Universities, is an internationally recognized center of scientific and educational excellence. Registration required.

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Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine logo
Subcategories: PhD program , Europe

The International PhD Programme at the MDC was established in 2003 as collaboration of the Max Delbrück Centre for Molecular Medicine (MDC) and the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (HU). The graduate school currently supports 350 PhD students, one third of whom come from abroad. Research areas include cancer biology, immunology, cardiovascular research, metabolic research, developmental biology, medical systems biology, bioinformatics, structural biology and molecular neurobiology. Registration not required.

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Copenhagen Bioscience PhD Programme logo
Subcategories: PhD program

Fully-funded four year PhD programme in an international scientific environment. The Copenhagen Bioscience PhD programme recruits up to 16 motivated international students annually to launch their careers in the vibrant scientific environment of the Novo Nordisk Foundation Research Centers in Copenhagen.

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