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ABSI calculator logo
calculate body shape Index

The web site calculates the body shape index (ABSI). A body shape index that, by quantifying abdominal adiposity relative to BMI and height, is thought to be a better predictor of mortality than BMI (see Krakauer & Krakauer, PLoS ONE 7, e39504, 2012; Ahima & Lazar, Science 341:856, 2013). Registration not required.

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Published on 2013-08-23 04:33:11
TCGA The Cancer genome Atlas logo
Based on NCI

The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA), a landmark cancer genomics program, molecularly characterized over 20,000 primary cancer and matched normal samples spanning 33 cancer types. This joint effort between NCI and the National Human Genome Research Institute began in 2006, bringing together researchers from diverse disciplines and multiple institutions. Registration required.

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Published on 2013-07-03 10:26:11
Dow Lab Safety Academy logo

The academy provides concise videos that present the practical information needed to establish and sustain an effective safety culture. The detailed, engaging videos cover topics ranging from selecting the correct gloves for a task to building strong safety leadership. The modules cover four major areas: safety orientation and training, which proposes general approaches to avoiding incidents and injuries; specialized topics, which covers issues that arise in working with particular kinds of equipment and specific hazards; plan, evaluate and execute, which explains how to judge risks and incorporate that knowledge into work plans; and sustainable safety culture, which explains how to put and keep safety at the top of a lab group's priorities. Registration required.

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Published on 2013-05-25 11:47:13
SeqWare logo

The open source SeqWare project is a portable software infrastructure designed to analyze massive genomics datasets produced by contemporary and emerging technologies, in particular Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) platforms. It consists of a comprehensive suite of infrastructure tools focused on enabling the end-to-end analysis of sequence data – from from raw base calling to analyzed variants ready for interpretation by users. SeqWare is designed to work in a 64-bit Linux environment. It can be used on Mac or Windows PC through virtualization software. Registration not required.

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Published on 2013-04-11 08:14:17
Statistical lectures logo
Category: Other tutorials
Subcategories: Stat Tutorial

This web site provides short and effective free statistical lectures and videos. Registration not required.

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Published on 2013-04-05 03:43:05

The aim of the GLOBOCAN project (developed by IARC) is to provide contemporary estimates of the incidence of, mortality, prevalence and disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) from major type of cancers, at national level, for 184 countries of the world. The GLOBOCAN estimates are presented separately for each sex and, for incidence and mortality data, for ten age groups. 1-, 3- and 5-year prevalence data are available for the adult population only (ages 15 and over). DALYs, life years lost lost due to premature mortality (YLLs) and years lived with disability (YLDs) are available for all ages only. Registration not required.

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Published on 2013-04-03 08:07:17
MinimPy logo
From SourceForge
MinimPy allows: Random, clinical trials

MinimPy is a desktop application program for sequential allocation of subjects to treatment groups in clinical trials by using the method of minimisation.It requires Python 2.7 with GTK libraries.

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Published on 2013-03-24 10:14:48
QMinim Online Minimization logo
Subcategories: Random , clinical trials

QMinim is an online free minimisation service for minimising subjects to different arms of a clinical trial. Registration required.

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Published on 2013-03-24 09:56:25
Research Randomizer logo
Subcategories: Random , clinical trials

Research Randomizer is a closed-source, clinical randomization web service, It can be used for random sampling, random assignment to treatment groups, and block randomization. This randomization service has an excellent tutorial with five sample randomization scenarios for random sampling, random assignment, random block assignment, generating random numbers in a specified range, and random ordering of a set of items, Registration not required.

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Published on 2013-03-24 04:49:54
Randomization.com logo
Subcategories: Random , clinical trials

Randomizatio.com is an online resource to help for block randomization in clinical trials. Registration not required.

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Published on 2013-03-24 04:44:52
Minim: allocation by minimisation in clinical trials logo
Minim: allocation by minimisation in clinical trials allows: Random, clinical trials

Minim is an MS-DOS program for running minimisation in clinical trials. For Windows 7, an emulation program called DOSBox has been used successfully to run Minim. Registration not required.

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Published on 2013-03-20 11:07:13
Lasagna-Search logo

Lasagna search is an integrated user friendly web tool for transcription factor binding site search and visualization. Registration not required.

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Published on 2013-03-07 10:51:35
UpToDate logo
Medical calculators

A quite comprehensive collection of medical calculator for several specialtises. Registration not required.

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Published on 2013-01-31 10:21:13
Research match logo
Category: Other topics

ResearchMatch has a simple goal – to bring together two groups of people who are looking for one another: (1) people who are trying to find research studies, and (2) researchers who are looking for people to participate in their studies. It is a free and secure registry that has been developed by major academic institutions across the country who want to involve you in the mission of helping today’s studies make a real difference for everyone’s health in the future Registration required.

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Published on 2013-01-27 03:32:44
ITK-SNAP allows: 3D

ITK-SNAP is an interactive software application that allows users to navigate three-dimensional medical images, manually delineate anatomical regions of interest, and perform automatic image segmentation. It provides semi-automatic segmentation using active contour methods, as well as manual delineation and image navigation. Indeed, the main purpose is to make it easy for researchers to delineate anatomical structures and regions of interest in imaging data Registration not required.

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Published on 2013-01-07 10:19:19
openBIS logo
Digital Notebook & Data Manager
Category: Other software
openBIS allows: Workflow

openBIS is an open, distributed system for managing biological information for Windows And Linux. The main goal is to support biological research data workflows from the source (i.e. the measurement instruments) to facilitate the process of answering biological questions by means of cross-domain queries against raw data, processed data, knowledge resources and its corresponding metadata. The openBIS software framework can be easily extended and has been customized for High Content Screening, Proteomics, Deep Sequencing, Metabolomics. Registration required.

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Published on 2013-01-06 02:45:52
Worthington Tissue Dissociation Guide logo
Tissue dissociation and primary cell isolation and harvesting

This guide summarizes our knowledge of how using enzymes to accomplish the routine operations of tissue dissociation and cell harvesting. It describes standard lab procedures, offers a logical experimental approach for establishing a cell isolation protocol, and lists many tissue specific references. Registration not required.

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Published on 2013-01-04 03:39:19
Biomedical Times logo
A new HUB for Biomedical Lovers!

Biomedical Times is a HUB where Biomedical Engineers / Scientists from around the world can connect and share and learn from the available resources. Registration not required.

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Published on 2012-12-26 13:00:13
PDQ cancer topics logo

PDQ (Physician Data Query) is the National Cancer Institute’s source of comprehensive cancer information. It contains peer-reviewed, evidence-based cancer information summaries on treatment, supportive care, screening, prevention, genetics, and complementary and alternative medicine Registration not required.

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Published on 2012-12-15 11:45:03
Gaussian Random Number Generator logo
Subcategories: Random

This web site allows you to generate random numbers from a Gaussian distribution under a given mean and standard deviation. Registration not required.

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Published on 2012-12-10 11:09:48
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