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Random Integer Generator logo
Subcategories: Random

This page allows you to generate random integers in a given interval.

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Published on 2012-12-10 08:55:53
VarSifter logo

VarSifter is a graphical Java program designed to display, sort, filter, and generally sift variation data from massively parallel sequencing experiments. It is designed to read exome-scale variation data in either a tab-delimited text file with header, or an uncompressed VCF file. The program is written in Java, and should run on any platform with a current Java Virtual Machine. Registration not required.

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Published on 2012-12-03 10:05:44
ARRIVE guidelines logo
Animal Research: Reporting of In Vivo Experiments

The ARRIVE (Animals in Research: Reporting In Vivo Experiments) guidelines have been developed by the NC3Rs to improve standards of reporting and ensure that the data from animal experiments can be fully evaluated and utilised. They have been already endorsed by more than 160 journals

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Published on 2012-12-01 11:56:23
Power and sample size Java applets logo
Subcategories: Power

This page from RV Lenth provides graphical interfaces for studying the power of one or more tests. They include sliders (convertible to number-entry fields) for varying parameters, and a simple provision for graphing one variable against another. Registration not required.

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Published on 2012-11-21 10:48:30
Statistics101 - Resampling logo

Statistics101 is a giftware computer program that interprets and executes the simple but powerful “Resampling Stats” programming language. Although it was originally developed to aid students, the Statistics101 program is suitable for all levels of statistical sophistication. It is especially useful for Monte Carlo, resampling, and bootstrap applications.Statistics101 is written in Java and will run on Windows, Mac, Unix, Linux, or any other platform that supports Java 1.4 or better. Registration not required.

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Published on 2012-11-20 10:33:32
Clustal Omega logo
Category: DNA alignment

CClustal Omega is the latest addition to the Clustal family of general purpose multiple sequence alignment programs for DNA, RNA or proteins. The online version is hosted by EMBL. It offers a significant increase in scalability over previous versions, allowing hundreds of thousands of sequences to be aligned in only a few hours. It will also make use of multiple processors, where present. In addition, the quality of alignments is superior to previous versions, as measured by a range of popular benchmarks. Registration not required.

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Published on 2012-11-06 10:30:20
Khanacademy Statistics logo
Category: Other tutorials
Subcategories: Stat Tutorial

The Khanacademy web site, in statistical section, provides very well done video tutorials modeling a class on several statistical topics from descriptive stat to regression and inferential stat. Khan Academy is a non-profit educational website created in 2006 by educator Salman Khan to provide a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. The website features thousands of educational resources, including a personalized learning dashboard, over 100,000 exercise problems, and over 4000 micro lectures via video tutorials stored on YouTube teaching mathematics, history, healthcare, medicine, finance, physics, general chemistry, biology, astronomy, economics, cosmology, organic chemistry, American civics, art history, macroeconomics, microeconomics, and computer science. All resources are available for free to anyone around the world. Khan Academy reaches about 10,000,000 students per month and has delivered over 300,000,000 lessons. Registration not required.

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Published on 2012-10-15 09:14:59
Pathorama logo

Pathorama provides you with high quality images and virtual slides for teaching and self-instruction covering a wide range of topics in all subspecialities of surgical pathology and cytology. Various courses, slide seminars, quizzes, and learning games for both students, surgical pathologists, and cytopathologists are available. Registration not required.

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Published on 2012-10-15 08:47:35
FullForms logo
free online library of abbreviations and acronyms

Free online library of full forms, abbreviations, acronyms, initialisms, references and much more. Registration not required.

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Published on 2012-09-28 21:19:52
Atlas of Microscopic Anatomy logo

The Atlas of histological images is part of the Anatomy Atlases, a digital library of anatomy information curated by Ronald A Bergman. Registration not required.

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Published on 2012-09-24 04:04:22
Interactive Atlas of Histology logo

The Atlas present and interactive view of histologial images of human body. In each topic, you will find a laboratory exercise, and brief description of the histological material. Click on the highlighted terms to display the histological images. Registration not required.

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Published on 2012-09-24 03:55:17
Atlas of Histologic Images logo

The Atlas present several color histological images of normal human tissues Registration not required.

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Published on 2012-09-24 03:43:27
MassBank logo

MassBank is the first public repository of mass spectral data for sharing them among scientific research community. MassBank data are useful for the chemical identification and structure elucidation of chemical comounds detected by mass spectrometry. MassBank system is originally designed for public sharing of reference mass spectra for metabolite identification. It is also useful for their in-house or local sharing. Recently it finds another application; sharing mass spectra of unknown metabolites for metabolite profiling Registration not required.

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Published on 2012-09-20 10:52:29
DOAJ logo

DOAJ is a directory of Open Access Journals, maintained by Lund University, that covers free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals. The aim of the Directory of Open Access Journals is to increase the visibility and ease of use of open access scientific and scholarly journals thereby promoting their increased usage and impact. The Directory aims to be comprehensive and cover all open access scientific and scholarly journals that use a quality control system to guarantee the content. Registration not required.

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Published on 2012-09-19 09:59:37
OpenWetWare logo
share your science

OpenWetWare is an effort to promote the sharing of information, know-how, and wisdom among researchers and groups who are working in biology & biological engineering. OpenWetWare was created by graduate students at MIT on April 20, 2005. Initially, it served as a private lab wiki for the labs of Drew Endy and Tom Knight at MIT. The site was opened up to allow any lab to join on June 22, 2005 Registration required.

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Published on 2012-09-19 09:49:33
International Human Epigenome Consortium (IHEC) logo
International Human Epigenome Consortium (IHEC) allows: Epigenome

The International Human Epigenome Consortium (IHEC) is a global consortium with the primary goal of providing free access to high-resolution reference human epigenome maps for normal and disease cell types to the research community. Registration required.

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Published on 2012-09-07 08:58:41
myIDP logo
myIDP allows: Jobs, Science

myIDP is an online application designed to guide early-career scientists through a confidential, rigorous process of introspection to create a customized career plan. myIDP provides an individual development plan (IDP) to explore career possibilities and set goals to follow the career path that fits you best. After the user has identified a long-term career goal, myIDP walks her or him through the process of setting short-term goals directed toward accumulating new skills and experiences important for that career choice. After each step, the user updates the plan, documenting efforts and progress. Registration required.

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Published on 2012-09-07 04:07:48
ProteinProphet logo
From SourceForge

ProteinProphetTM automatically validates protein identifications made on the basis of peptides assigned to MS/MS spectra by database search programs such as SEQUEST Registration not required.

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Published on 2012-08-30 08:06:28
ArrayMining logo

ArrayMining is a web-server for online automating microarray statistical analysis of gene and protein expression microarray data, designed as a supporting tool for investigation of the genetic components of diseases. By providing feature selection, clustering and prediction analysis, it performs five common gene expression analysis tasks:cross-study normalisation, feature selection, sample clustering, sample classification, network analysis, gene set analysis. Registration not required.

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Published on 2012-08-21 06:56:39
AltAnalyze logo

AltAnalyze is an easy-to-use application for microarry and RNA-Seq analysis. For splicing sensitive platforms, AltAnalyze will assess alternative exon expression along protein isoforms, domain composition and microRNA targeting. In addition to splicing-sensitive platforms, AltAnalyze provides comprehensive methods for conventional arrays (RMA summarization, QC, statistics, annotation, clustering, lineage characterization and gene-set enrichement). Registration not required.

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Published on 2012-08-21 06:51:18
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